Monday, April 21, 2008

Silly Cheap!

Hi there,
Since Peter is on a combat exercise at his work, he is not able to put this new kit in the store right now, but it will be placed there when he gets back. But as for now, you can email me if you want to buy the "New Spring Kit", it's so cheap it's silly, hehe. There's a paperpack of 20 papers included in it, and they look like this:

7 papers have a cat bathing in tulips, 4 papers have thin stripes and the tulipcat in different sizes and colors, and then there are 4 papers with a small swirly pattern and to finish it all up, there are 4 solid papers.
These alone should be $2..*lol* but now they are a part of the kit.
Over to the elements, they look like this:

It's a LOT in this kit, so here's a list of the items included:
-2 tulips
-2 branches of cherry blossom
-2 magnolia items; 1 bouquet, 1 flower.
-4 bookplates
-1 beadstring
-1 brad
-2 beaded dragonflies
-2 buttons with stringbows
-1 chainribbon
-2 double frames
-3 buckled hangers
-3 butterflies
-2 tags
-6 stickers
-3 wrapped single frames
-1 friendly bird
That's a total of 37 items!!
Now come on, that's gotta be worth $2? *lol*

If you think it is, then send me your order by sending me the $2 into my paypal account and after I recieve a receipt for your payment, I'll email you the links to the kit asap! (no later than 24 hours after you sent the money.)

That's it for now, I recieved lots of kits for one of my CT's so I'll be back with some lo's soon enough!! Take Care until then..
Hugs, Jessica

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