Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You want these?

Hey all..
I am sorry I haven't been here as much as I thought I would.. but now I am!!
And I bring goodies, after all it IS wednesday ;o)
Soo.. I was at the Tuesday Chat with June over at SDK last night, and I got some ideas on how to improve and/or change my creative process and improve my lo's.
I also got a nice attendance gift from June, a Paperpack. And since I haven't made that many paperpacks, I thought I'd practice a little on those.. Therefor I give you not one but TWO paperpacks today!
Here they are:
These are filled with bubbles, and the ones with text says Bubble Time.. Maybe someone can use them?
Here's what I did with them anyway:

Grab them here!

These are made in the same colors as the bubble papers, I thought the colors vere nice, and re-used them..*lol* I sure hope someone can use these too! You can grab the papers with the cats here!

Thanks for stopping by!!
Hugs, Jessica


Anonymous said...

The Papers are great. I wish I knewe how to make and create papers. :)

LindaJD said...

Hi Jessica, thanks so much for the lovely papers, I especially like the bubbles :)
I have just emailed you two layouts, they are from my main ISP Addy though..

Tracy you already made some lovely papers!

Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your papers sweetie...almost as much as i LOVE you...teehee
I just LOVE this layout of Lucas too...he is so precious...((hugs))