Friday, June 27, 2008

New releases, feeling better, and layouts!

Hey there, it's been a while, and I'm sorry for not being around as much as I used to.. I guess life is kinda hectic IRL right now, but I finally am starting to feel a bit better, and I've been visiting the horses I work with, even though I wasn't able to ride or do too much, I took some cute pics of the new members in the horse family, Kelly and Tindra.
Kelly is four months old, but Tindra is just a week old counting today.
Here's a layout I did with Kelly:

I used my brand new kit Song of Joy to make the layout.

Here's one I made with Peter and Nemo on Mid Summer's Eve (Swedish tradition) 2008:

I used an upcoming kit and some of it is from my kit Micest Friends.

Here's another one I made from the upcoming kit, with Tindra on it:

The paper is the same, since I like the colors on it, hehe.. they seem to work with a lot of things!

My latest releases then.
I have stopped selling in the Scrapitsassy store, since I felt kinda stressed out, so all of my new kits will always be added to the Shopbusyscrappin store first of all.. I haven't had the oppurtunity to add these just yet, but I will within about 24 hours!
Here you go, this is what Song Of Joy ended up like:

And here is the brand new kit I call Movement, I was inspired by the upcoming move!

And here's the layout I just finished with it.

I have to be feeling a bit better, making a layout at 2.45 am..*lol* But it's nice to be "back".. I have missed scrapping actually.

But no matter how much I missed, I will need to go to bed now.. Take care until next time!


Unknown said...

I love the muted colors and all the special interesting frames! I'm nuts about frames that are different. Your colt is cute..I am sure you enjoy working with him.
Hope you continue to feel better!

ladybug987 said...

I just love your picture and layout of Kelly! Such a sweetie. I'm glad you are able to get back working with the horses.