Sunday, June 8, 2008

So HOT here.. and some QP's 4 you!

Hey all!
So I have been a bad blogger again.. I know, but at least I do bring some goodies once I DO get here *lol*
This last week has been insanely hot, summer has arrived once and for all, trust me,
and I'm not all into summer, at least not the SUPER HOT days..
I prefer to put on LOTS of clothes and freeze at winter, rather than strip it all off and STILL be all swetty.. yak! *lmao* But I guess I should be grateful, since the nights are SUPER nice, and of course, Lucas loves to go swimming.
We live on a five minute walking distance from a lake, so I guess there's no reason for me NOT to take him there, huh? And so I did today. And he LOVED it!

I'm glad I can stay at home tomorrow, all this sun makes me feel bad for staying indoors...*lol* but I desperately need to catch up on my scrapping and designing, but also the PACKING.
I still love the Fly Lady concept, and it's really nice to see things go, but it takes a lot of time.. ;o)
Anyway, I have learned from earlier that when I DO have time to be at the computer, I try to make some items to give away later on, and I did make some QP's a while ago. And here they are!!
(sorry i have no preview, take it as a grab bag with QP's, hehe. )
I hope you like it anyway!! I'll be back with more freebies and kits soon, I AM making them, just can't seem to finish them up..*lol* Have patience, please!
Take care all of you!

1 comment:

Census said...

Sounds like you are working hard getting ready for the move!! We actually had a warm day yesterday too, so I know what you mean about sweaty, lol!!
Thanks for the secret qp's..can't wait to see them!!