Monday, July 7, 2008

Been scrapping some more :o)

Hi all.

I have been "on and off" scrapping lately, but tonight I found the cure to make me become a true scrapoholic again..*lol*
I found a blog with lots of pretty templates, and grabbed some, and here's the results:

This is Lucas playing Mingolf for the 2nd time ever, and he made several hole in ones!! And just look how happy he was!! We had a lot of fun, that's for sure :o)
I made everything on the lo myself, but the template gave me the basic shapes.

Here's one I made from the CT collab from Cen's Loft plus a little CT gift June made us, some nice papers. The horse is the one that was supposed to be called Tindra (Sparkle) but the owners had a change of mind, and now she's called Pärla (Pearl) instead.
She was about 48 hours old at this pic.

And last but not least, here's a pic of me and Hera last saturday, Peter took the pic.
I made the things here too, except for the flower overlay, that was included in the template.

You can find the templates I used over at Tracys blog, Http://
Thanks for your generousity, Tracy.

That's all for now!!


Unknown said...

Congratulations I am so happy for you...You have worked so hard with Hera and you deserved to be recognized...Whoohoo!!! Your being recognized for another award come to my blog to pick it up...hehehe
Love you sweetie...((hugs))

Melanie said...

that LO is sooo cute! great job!!!!